The Force has been unleashed by a Dark Jedi. Is this a winning Star Wars game???

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
The answer is: Yes. Star Wars the Force Unleashed has finally come out and I don't see what is with every reviewer out there with these low scores. You play as Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice. You are taken by Vader and then take on missions to test yourself against the last Jedi force to prove yourself worthy of taking down the Emperor with Darth Vader. This is where the game becomes really interesting. Actually I would've taken this plot then the move: The Clone Wars. The story in this game is superb. It actually feels how the Republic came together against the Galatic Empire. If you are wondering when this game takes place, it takes place between Episodes 3 and 4. Now Star Wars doesn't come without its problems. If you want to use the force to pick up a trooper or a exploding barrel, the apprentice must face the object to pick it up. Sometimes you might find that the targeting system with the Force Grip might be a little rough to control where the object goes. The enemy AI is also a challenge. They might put in a few cheap attacks to throw you off guard and the bosses are so complex that some of your attacks won't even hurt them (happened to me). So let's review:

GOOD: Excellent story, force powers are a blast to use

BAD: AI might be a little cheap, Force Grip is a little tricky to control.

Now let me say that this game is almost as good as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Read my review and send me an e-mail with your opinions and also this game is only about 9 hours long.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed takes a 8.5 out of 10.