Does this game master the force or turn to the dark side?
Star Wars the force unleashed sports some beautiful enviroments and good lengthed missions but some of the areas may get boring because your playing them again and again. TFU has no replay value at all only a higher diffucultie you can unlock some new lightsabers and costumes but really after you beat the game once you probably wont want to play it a again.
The story of the TFU is much different than your average Star Wars story it follows the story of a young sith the secret apprentice known as Starkiller. Darth vador your master has been attempting to fufill order 66 by killing all jedi so the emporer can take over the galaxy but Starkiller an Vador have different plans Vador has been training Starkiller to try to over power the emporer so he can stop some of his madness. The story is told through very well put together cut scenes with magnificent voice acting.
Star Wars The Force Unleashed is overall a great star wars possibly the best ever.