I've never been a Star Wars fan, but this game has me hooked!

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
The Force Unleashed obviously had a huge marketing machine behind and with that came alot of hype. Strangely enough it's all that hype that made me wanna check out the demo of this game to see what it's really all about.

Now as a non-fan, I have to say the story is really secondary to me, so I'll have to say that although it's as well told as the early 80's movies, it's just not my cup of tea. The gameplay on the other hand...

There's just something about a game giving you powers like this one does. The thing is that thanks to a fairly simple to use control scheme and light customization in the form of "force upgrades", this game really makes you feel powerful, and that's what makes this a great game regardless of what franchise it's attached to.

That being said, the levels can get tedious sometimes. I would have liked to see a few more puzzles or something, just to keep things fresh, but all in all I'd recommend this game to anyone who enjoys 3rd person action/adventure games, regardless of their opinion on the franchise. It's an engaging story and a fun game, and that's all that should matter to a gamer.