Aching arms aside, it's a step-forward for the Star Wars series on Wii.
The game is short - a common down side of a lot of newer games. The combat seems unrefined until you "get into it" - that is, get used to holding a lightsaber and wielding the Force. You might randomly wave at an enemy and wonder why you seem to be doing no damage, but later on, when you can launch an enemy and fry him with lightning, you realise that there is depth (Gamespot, take note.)
This is even more entertaining when you complete the game and restart with your upgraded Starkiller.
There are two distinct groups for the boss battles - the lightsaber-wielding ones and the others. Where as enemy Force-users can be approached in a variety of ways, the "others" usually have you repeat the same move constantly to whittle down their health. Both involve a real-time cutscene with necessary input from the player. Unlike the 360/PS3 version, this involves moving either the nunchuck OR the remote instead of a specific button. The "others" have repetitive death scenes but the Force-users are unique to each character and always leave you thinking, "Wooooooaaaaaaah!"
Upgrading Force powers is how you get through the game. When your Force Push makes a mini-blackhole after being used, you'll laugh at how you thought it was useless on Kashyyyk. You'll marvel at how you ever doubted Force Lightning when you can zap 8 stormtroopers over a distance of 20 metres. However, you'll always enjoy hunching over, mind deep in thought, objects swirling around you... and then sending them flying in every direction.
There are a few extras, but most won't mean any to anyone who isn't a Star Wars enthusiast. You can unlock costumes (including bonus ones obtained through completing the game with one of the two endings) and some look nice and others look like stuck-on last-minute thoughts. Your lightsaber can be customised in colour and power - a crystal can be put in place to increase an attribute or add a nice status effect. There are some hilts, but they won't mean anything unless you know Star Wars' hilts inside out.
Multiplayer (a Wii exclusive) is great, so long as it's not a cardio-vascular workout between you and a mate who furiously waggle the controllers in a mild-mannered attempt to blow up the arena. It (thankfully) plays like the one-on-one lightsaber duels in the single player story. You can choose from up to 27 characters (more are unlocked by playing the singleplayer story, with Starkiller's various costumes taking up most of the slots) and duke it out. All characters have various attributes but the same moves, so fights are fair, with the variation in stats making them interesting. There are a few arena, with typical stereotypes like "that place they fought in the movie" or "the one with the hole of doom" on offer. Don't quote me on this, but isn't there an upcoming Star Wars game on Wii promising to be quite a lot like this?
The worst side of this game is the visuals - it looks like another PS2 port. The effect used when your lightsaber comes into contact with another object is a flat yellow diamond. Come on! Look at Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy and tell me that it's down to "console limitations." It's not that the visuals are bad, they're just nowhere near as awesome as they could have been.
Overall, a short game with replay value if you can be bothered and a multiplayer that is enjoyable, though not enough to make it worth the purchase. I'll be keeping this game and will enjoy it thoroughly - just not the arm-ache or some of the special effects.