One of the best action games of the year broken because of bugs and lack of content.
The sound breaks up when your in cut scenes but the music is obviously amazing given it's a Star Wars game. The gameplay is horrible considering it's a Star Wars game with lightsabers, one would think the combat system would be more robust and fluid to give you a real star wars like battle. I found myself standing in one spot and mashing the X and Y button. I wondered to myself, why can't I fight like the end boss fights when you have to timely push the buttons to execute combos. Unfortunately it's left for the CPU to do that and we're left with mashing buttons. Let me also mention that it was quite difficult to pick up objects or target a single mob when everything around me is can be picked up.
I didn't like the fact the game had many bugs. I could say I finished it, but I didn't even come close. I found myself reseting my xbox because my character was stuck falling through the world or simply stuck. I thought about paging a GM and realized this is a console action game not an MMO.
I'm sorry to say but this game was not worth the money I spent on it because of countless bugs that can't seem to be fixed unless there's a patch on the way. Stay away from purchase and rent the game. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it. It's high action non stop combat with lightsabers and a lot of bad guys.