Maybe too much was pretty good, i'm glad i just rented it

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
Maybe too much was pretty good i just rented it and I am glad i did, cause i finished it in 9 hours trying to find and do everything then played it again in 6 hours (why can't they make this like 30hrs+??, the first few levels are much better the 2nd time around cause you are much more powerful and the enemies are much weaker. The Story was great although I thought the evil ending could of been done better.
I would give it an 8/10 because of the length (too short) and because you can pick your clothes and lightsaber color(when you get them) but as soon as it goes to a cut scene you're character changes back to the clothes he is suppose to have on that level and the light saber changes color too. this kind of takes you out of the game. KOTR 1 and 2 allowed you to change your clothes and light sabers colors and it changed in the cut scenes too. so i don't know why they couldn't do that here?