Exactly What It's Hyped Up To Be.
Difficulty wise, this game really gives you choice, I personally play on apprentice just because it's so fun acting like god and destroying everything, on the harder difficulties, it gets a bit harder, while keeping the game playable.
Gameplay on the other hand had some negatives, While i found nothing wrong with the targeting system, because if i missed my target, i would just hurl what i picked up at the guy, there was a couple flaws with the damage system, i couldn't help but notice, while doing one of the challenges, that charge force pushing 2 people into the same wall, at the same speed, at the same time, kills one and barely scratches the other, but that's my only complaint.
Graphics in the cutscenes are beautiful, but downgrade a bit during gameplay, but you never really notice while you're hurling 3 storm troopers into an AT-ST.