Glitches and Lock-ups galore with no fixes or patches in sight! This is the one game I was really looking forward to this year and it's plagued by Imperial glitches. The Sith were out to make this one a flop apparently. They must've used the Mind Trick to tell Lucasarts that they didn't need to run it through a quality control process to make sure the game worked before releasing it. And they are still using the Mind Trick to keep them from acknowledging the problem and working on a patch. The best Star Wars story in years and extremely fun gameplay is marred by tons of glitches, a couple of system lock-ups, gameplay text issues, delays in combos/moves, and the list goes on. Read the forums on Gamespot,, and Lucasarts to hear all the issues. Don't waste your money until Lucasarts releases a patch!
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
As a piece of Star Wars–iana, or whatever you want to call it. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is awesome, better in setting and story than even the Jedi Knight games which while much better than the prequel movies still ... Read Full Review
I'll say it now, Force Unleashed is a bad game. It's buggy, it features an awful cast, it feels rushed, incomplete and in general compared to franchises like Jedi Knight and KOTOR is the weakest Star Wars title in a whil... Read Full Review