Star Wars: Glitch Unleashed! I would give it a 10 if it weren't for game-breaking glitches.

User Rating: 3 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
Glitches and Lock-ups galore with no fixes or patches in sight! This is the one game I was really looking forward to this year and it's plagued by Imperial glitches. The Sith were out to make this one a flop apparently. They must've used the Mind Trick to tell Lucasarts that they didn't need to run it through a quality control process to make sure the game worked before releasing it. And they are still using the Mind Trick to keep them from acknowledging the problem and working on a patch. The best Star Wars story in years and extremely fun gameplay is marred by tons of glitches, a couple of system lock-ups, gameplay text issues, delays in combos/moves, and the list goes on. Read the forums on Gamespot,, and Lucasarts to hear all the issues. Don't waste your money until Lucasarts releases a patch!