It was good enough to make my turn my PS2 back on!

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PS2
This game is a great game. At the start I was a little bit shocked at how the main menu looked sort of primitive and basic - I was considering to turn it off. However I was proved wrong!

I used to play my PS2 back in the day, but haven't played it for a long time due to a dramatic down fall in the quality of PS2 games in the past 2 - 3 years. To be honest the most epic game that I ever played on the PS2 would be Metal Gear Solid, however this is a great amount of fun as I can simply smash buttons and thrill my self with the amazing physics engine.

The graphics aren't too bad either. In terms of the graphics they sort of come and go. Such as the very first level - the graphics looked very dull. However the Jedi Temple graphics almost blew me away!

I am not one to really give a damn about story lines, but I guess if you are a Star War's fan then you might enjoy this game more. If you are like me and just like destroying things then this game is equally as suited to you as well! :-)
The physics engine truly has been pushed to the limits for a PS2 game and it is from this that makes up a lot of the fun!

I have not been a fan of many star wars games my self as the last 'good' star wars game I played was StarWars Pod Racing on the N64. StarWars 3 was reasonable, but this brings playing StarWars to a whole new level. It is a shame that it doesn't however have a multi-player option. :-(

This game is definitely worth a rent if you are uncertain of the game. If you don't like it, i suggest you give it some time, because it DOES grow on you.