Great story and graphics. Too short though.

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
When I first saw the first trailer for this game I couldn't wait for this to come out. But enough about that. This game IS AWESOME! Except for the targeting system which is absolutly horrible. One thing that found was that Shaak Ti should not have been in the game because she was killed in Episode III by Gen. Grevious(deleated scene). Another contradiction between the game and the movies is another deleated scene in Episode III where Sen. Organa, Mon Mothma and Amadala are plotting to go against Palpatine. In the game this dosne't take place until many many years after the Clone Wars. I beat the first two difficulties with no problem (Apprentice and Sith Warrior). Now I'm on Sith lord and it is way harder than Sith Warrior. Which I can understand, but there is a differance between being really hard and being rediculous. Or maybe it's just me. Anyway, I would recommend this game for anyone who loves Star Wars.