Despite its' faults, The Force Unleashed does exactly what it set it out to do: Unleash the Force!
Being a bad guy has never been so enjoyable, as you wield your blazing red Lightsaber and generally embarrass your opposition. The story is pretty straight forward, and regardless of whether you are a Star Wars Fan or not, it is pretty engrossing and certain points will leave you at the edge of your seat, mouth agape.
The graphics are very nicely rendered, however there are moments on the PS3 when the framerate slows down to a despicable crawl, and you are left to wonder whether or not you are reigning down TOO MUCH badassness on the Jawa populace. These incidents are few, but it is something that disrupts the gameplay and immediately pulls you out of the game.
The set list of moves is not necessarily broad, but it is large enough to never get boring. Honestly, tossing a storm trooper out of a space station window from 20 yards away with nothing more than a flick of the hand rarely ever does get old. However, the controls lack the crisp response needed to make the fights truly enjoyable.
Occasionally you will miss or over shoot a jump, press the right button on a fight sequence but miss it because of some timing glitch, or you may simply want to block the raging attacks of a fugitive Jedi only to have Starkiller stand there like an idiot. Very unbecoming of a Jedi Assassin.
The game generally has its glitches. Enemies appear out of nowhere, or simply refuse to die. Stormtroopers get stuck in walls, Starkiller falls through walls, or walls just don't generate fully.
The game isn't that difficult, however, the later levels will have you swarmed with enemies that each time their attacks to hit you RIGHT after you get up from a previous attack (the same is said for boss battles). This, coupled with the faulty controls, lead to some pretty frustrating moments, and cheap deaths.
All in all, my encounter with the Force was very rewarding, and it is definitely something that every avid gamer should at LEAST pick up.