Don't waste your money unless you like Star Wars so much you are willing to deal with a cheap AI

User Rating: 6 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
OK, this game is frusturating. Most of you have seen the reviews and know what the major flaws are with game; i am going to inform you, they are all true.

It really stinks that you do not feel as powerful as a Sith lord should. You have robots in this game that will kick your ass before you know it. I was originally playing on the harder difficulty and I had to back off and play on normal because I was getting very frusturated by all the CHEAP SHOTS that the AI takes at you. It is FAR too easy to knock your character down. When he is down, the AI comes over and either, 1. hits your character while he is on the ground (and you cannot get up) or 2. Waits for you to get up and immediately knocks back on the ground.

Also, the camera does not focus on what you want it to. Enemies will literally appear behind you and start kicking your ass. The quirky camera will eventually spin around to show you who is hitting, but only after, you guessed it, you have been knocked down.

This game is a huge dissapointment because I am a Start Wars fan. I was really looking forward to this one but I am really thinking about selling it without completing it. I am sick and tired of the cheap AI.