Please, everyone has dreamed of doing this

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
If your a star wars fan, stop here. just go buy it.

This games is fantastic if you enjoy picking up a game and causing destruction. The graphics are great, the three engines seem to meld together nicely. I just can't wait to see the full power of it. There's no multiplayer, so if your in it for that, looks elsewhere. I was kind of hoping to duel or co-op, but after playing the campaign you forgive it, or at least understand why it would have been difficult

Graphics: very good, I can't complain

Gameplay: Camera gets in the way, and sometimes I feel like tossing my controller at some moments. I think combat needs to be a little more fluid. Other than that, the combos and abilities are very satisfying.

Story: It's not bad if your not a starwars fan, unlike past games. The level design is similar to past games, but the ability to interact with it really help the immersion.

Replay ability: It's not really here, but I can see myself playing in the future. I won't sell this one