Give into the dark side
Lets start with the story, first off this peace of the star wars puzzle fits perfectly to complete the picture of the gap between episode III and episode IV. You will grow to like the lead character, Star killer, and most of the other characters that you don't destroy and i mean destroy.
The melee combat is brilliant being able to mix up all of your combos like Square, triangle, square which just makes the 2nd attack have lightening. You can add circle at the end of the combo to lift him into the air which leads to aerial attacks which opens a other 2 - 4 hits. The force powers are fun, noting like picking up a rebel and blasting him with your light saber and then lightening and dropping him on his friends blowing them away. The buttons sequences are good but you don't really feel powerful but they are impressive though but are repeated a little too much. Also you depend on lightening too much when fighting the bigger villains you have to shock them because force push, grip and your other powers are just too weak.
The leveling up system is a bit slow you get more from the holocrons (more on them later) the amount of thing that you can upgrade is quite staggering at first, on my first play through i upgraded a ton in the first 3 - 4 levels but after that i didn't see much point in leveling up because it cost lots of force spheres. You can also upgrade your saber too when searching for the jedi holocrons, you can unlock 2 different types of crystals power crystals that give you a special fighting ability such as the chance to give them an other blast of lighting on strike and Color crystals that change the color of the saber that doesn't give you a bonus, just a different color. There is a special hidden one that turns your saber black (if you want to know where it is message me and i'll tell you where and what i did to get it. You can also find some hidden costumes, but i don't know where they are i didn't find any on my first play through.
Again the boss battles for me are a major make or break depending on how bad i will drop 1 or 0.5 off my marking. The boss battles were easy after abit it's easy to find exploits on how to beat each one but the way you finish them makes you feel a little powerful. The boss battles are just a bit uninspired but the button sequence finishes are quite good.
What could of made you feel more powerful would be when you SLAM them down on the floor they didn't bounce every time just once in a while sit in a creator that appears when they are slammed. I was under the impression that the environment was more destructible but alas it is not. There are a few things that blow up and move but more bent metal and broken wood or dints would make you feel all the more powerful. The lack of ranged attacks make it hard to fight because you have to run up to them and blow them into the floor. Getting bonuses for being extra dark would have made it more excitable to pick a trooper up and stick him in front of the death star power beam.
One of your greatest enermy is the camera because it get's stuck too much on nothing, and make it had to see what you are meant to attacking. But on the flip side is the action camera is a nice little addition that can add some comic value and some cool shots but the camera stick can make it a bit hard to get good view at times.
This is my first impression after my second play through i will comment on the different endings and anything i missed in my blog.
Also as far as i know this is the first time you see a lightsaber in peaces being put together unlike the other games where you just see the diffrent parts.
Thank yall for reading
Blood diamond