Although there are many negative points, in the end I would recommend this game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PS3
I've just finished the game. I bought it. The game is 4 hours long, no kidding! I've finished it in 9 hours because I was playing slowly, looking for those Holocrons. I said 4 hours long because my brother started playing the 8th Level. The game has 9 levels. He made his way through the game until this level in 3 hours. But anyway, the story is ok, I mean, I don't think It's a remarkable story and I'm sure It's not the best Star Wars story either, like many people are saying. But It satisfying enough.

The game play is extremely simple. The fighting system is like any simple action adventure or hack and slash game out there and all the levels are very linear and straighforward. The graphics are good, but some characters look weird and have some unrealistic animations.

The environment in the levels are detailed and full of stuff to be grabbed and thrown. There are always many enemies on the screen too, but the clunky target system won't help at all. It's very frustrating when you really need to use force powers but you cannot target and grab what you want. It's a mess.

On the early levels the enemies are very simple. Later on new ones will show up. They should be challenging and tough but in the end they are very annoying and irritating because most of them are lightsaber proof, or force power proof, or both. They are cheap, take too much time to be killed and knock you down easily. So, very offen it's extremely annoying to wait for the precise moment to attack. All the boss fights share similar problems. They are cheap ely programed and all the boss encounters are stupidly scripted and unsatisfying to play. The way you have to fight Tall creatures like Rancors and At-Sts is uncreative and tends to be a fight where you only have to keep jumping and smashing the square bottom, and pressing triangle for lightning sometimes.

The upgrades are not really interesting, because It does not look like the character is growing stronger at all. The combos are useless specially on the final levels or against bosses.

Although there are many negative points, in the end I would recommend this game. All in all I had a good time playing it. It's fun, the story is good, the grapshics are good and the characters are good. It's not a difficult game, so It's easy for anyone to play it. This game feels rushed. I have no doubt about that. Could be better, yes, off course, but if you have patience and like Star wars or like actions adventure games like Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, Genji, Conan, etc, etc, you should give this game a try.

I didn't experience serious issus, glitches or bugs. But my brother got stuck and had to restart once, and also, the life bar of a Rancor was gone too, but he was able to finish the fight.

I think this game is shorter than Heavenly Sword or that Genji for the PS2.