Easily the best in the Series*Contains Spoilers*
Now ive only tryed the 360.PS3 verisons but still i bet the others Our Fantastic aswell dont hate on it Thank it!!!! Best in series and will stay that way for a long time!..Kotor Is still my second favorite but if they make a ForceUnleashed2 then Move Aside ive got a new Favorite
The Darkside Ending Is Rubish the way he Is turned in a robot CRAP but that Gets a 6 out of 10 for me
the Lightside Ending: I find it easiy to belive he died to save The Republic but he did not kill DarthVader or DarthVaders master but it could mean that later on He Has a restruction affter the Starwars Movies? who Argrees? Anyway This ending gets a 10 out of 10 For me
and the Hole Videogame is a massive 1000/10