Easily the best in the Series*Contains Spoilers*

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
This game deserves more then this Everyones Hateing on it! WHY!!! this game is fantastic best starwars out Graphics our fantastic and everything else

Now ive only tryed the 360.PS3 verisons but still i bet the others Our Fantastic aswell dont hate on it Thank it!!!! Best in series and will stay that way for a long time!..Kotor Is still my second favorite but if they make a ForceUnleashed2 then Move Aside ive got a new Favorite

The Darkside Ending Is Rubish the way he Is turned in a robot CRAP but that Gets a 6 out of 10 for me

the Lightside Ending: I find it easiy to belive he died to save The Republic but he did not kill DarthVader or DarthVaders master but it could mean that later on He Has a restruction affter the Starwars Movies? who Argrees? Anyway This ending gets a 10 out of 10 For me

and the Hole Videogame is a massive 1000/10