Having no expectations for this game but looking cool, i cant complain. But, ill point out why not to play this game.

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
Ok it was at blockbuster and i rented it poped it in and this happend. your darth vader at kashhecikk knowing no controles but to test it out. then after killing a boys father you take the boy because of his powers. training... then your the apprentice years later on missions to kill jedi to train on killing the emperer, like assassains creed, then your on vadars side but then the emperer comes out and vadar stabs you with the light saber. and left you out at space to die. pics u up and brings you back to health, then you go free and i forget. ok the story is good definitly one that fills answers and not just tosses around. There are A LOT of glitches in this game. very frusterating at parts when falling to your death is common or if your getting completly bullet r@ped you cant move... most your moves look B-A but it gets plain after a whial. after finishing it the *(spoiler)* appentece dies and the rest of the rebels live on your name by making the rebels flag his familys symbol. i think. *(DONE)* anyway i diddnt whant to play it again after that so i just finished the game with none of my powers not fully lit but hey. anyway this game isent that forfilling in its name, but its good so. hey. this game is SOOO glichy, it knonistly needed more time in making it. still good.