It's not a bad game, but it could have been much better in terms of gameplay and feel.

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
The Star Wars franchise has proved to be one of the most successful franchises currently out there. Anyone can make any sort of merchandise and people will buy. A developer can also make a purely crap game, slap Star Wars on it, and sell it for full retail value. Luckily this is not the case here, for the most part.

What really stands out about force unleashed is the story, and how it works within the Star Wars universe. It is rich and immersible. Everything flows nicely, from the characters to the music. The experience is definitely feels Star Wars. Fans will not be disappointed.

Graphically, the game is beautiful in my opinion. The early stages were definitely a sight to see, although there are some very strange issues with pop in even at very close distances. The atmosphere and environment is done very well and it is easy to get plunge in the stages and feel as if you are part of it.

Gameplay-wise, the game is a bit on the weak side. The force controls are a bit clunky and I felt frustrated that I had to be stationary while gripping something, only to be open to attacks and constantly shot in the face. overall it feels cumbersome and clunky, but when it does work right, it can be fun. Also, objects disappear, but the remnants of that objects will remain in the gameworld, causing you to sometimes force grip invisible objects instead of gripping what you wanted in the first place.

Through most of the levels, I found myself dashing through and passing most of the enemies. I was also able to exploit most of the AI by getting in certain situations where they would just stand there while I unloaded Force Lightning on them. Some of these issues really took away from the experience.

It's not a terrible game, it's just hard to dish out 60 bucks for a game that I expected not to have such high level issues.