I really liked the game more fun then some of the others star wars games

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
This game is really good worth the wait some parts where funny and it was fun playing the game to using the force to throw them to the sky then shocking them using lightsaber throw the holocrons where hard to find them and i really like it that they put the black lightsaber crystal in their i had a feeling that it was on the death star but i didnt really like that their was not that much levels but what made me laugh was throwing the ugnaughts but i dont like killing jawas so i left them alone and it was the best starwars game but only if you chould pick who you want to play either vader or star killer to bad he died at the end though but it didnt say what happend to juno and kota but a twist that star killer turned out to be the one that started the rebels and the part i didnt like was that proxy died but hope to see if their are easter eggs but other then that if they do make a movie out of this i hope to see it.