Star Wars The Of Forced Unleashed.
User Rating: 5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
The game was not all its cracked up to be. I personelly did not care for it much i beat in 1 day. I think the story is too short, the targeting system could have been better, and the should have let u walk around cities and be able too choose when to start a mission. The game should be more like the Older Game Star Wars The Old Republic, but newer and more free play. A suggestion or opinion of mine would be in addition to the free play, you should be able to walkthrew the cities associate with mere people walking around and buy your own clothes and outfits. The game however did have a pretty good story line. Also I think more finishing moves would of been cool. I have not played the online part of the game although i still wouldnt think it would be good. Well these are my opinions and i wouldnt recremend buying it i personely traded it for gamestop credit and got a new headset. Hope this helps people.