awesome, this game is!

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed WII
first of all, dont listen to the gamespot review! those peepazoids are wrong!!! this highly addictive game is really fun. i dont care if the game is only 7 hours long, it has a great replay value and an excellent story. all of you guys should go to gamestop and get this game. it is hackin awesome. a really sueweet! thing about this game is that if you type in a cheat code, you can play as almost every character from the star wars in the story mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey dorks, nerds, geeks this will be the perfect game for you! and, it will even appeal to the awesome supercool peeps like me! if you dont have a wii, get it on a PS3 or XBox 360. if youse dont have those, u gots no life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RODGER!!!!!!