I will not forgive lucas arts for doing this click continue to see why

User Rating: 5.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed X360
the reason is that they did it and for you guys who doe not know what it is it is what i call it when a company makes a game and makes an even worse game for the system i have or the system i have that sells cheaper games the wii in this situation has the worse version and when they make a game for wii made by ubisoft or something they usually have a DS version it is only 30.00 dollars for DS but 50.00 for wii now which system do you think has the better version thats write the wii but in this case the wii has the bad version bad graphics bad game play bad story line the only thing better is duel mode it is good for everything else so if you have multiple systems buy it for xbox360 or ps3 thats my guide on this game good luck trying to beat it over and over and over again you now what doe not buy it rent it if you really want it bey.