Not worth buying, worth renting, fun but short, not without out its flaws but they don't drag it down.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed WII
I enjoyed this game. I am a huge Star Wars fan, though I am the first to admit that the prequels are entertaining for their F/X but cannot hold a candle to the original trilogy. This game does a fantastic job of making you feel like a bad ass. The force powers work well enough, though I think it would just have easily benefited from the option of using a standard GC controller. The light saber combat was only OK. It never felt like the bad ass weapon we all think it should be. The games graphics at times look great, and at other times they look like a mediocre PS2 game. The music shines and its a fun play through. I wont ruin the game for anyone, but you ll breeze through it so rent it. I don't see much in the way of replay value and a lot of the force combos are a pain to use so i just used force push, lightning grenade, detonate, and force lightning, that will easily get you through the game. Overall all i was disappointed it wasn't better but i still enjoyed it, glad i only rented it full price would have hurt.