THE BEST STAR WARS GAME EVER!!!!! I encourage you to rent it.
User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PS3
This game probably will go down in history as the best game ever! But some nit picky people can't understand why it has glitches, but when I played through it I experienced few to NO glitches. The graphics are great. The action is great. The story is pretty good. Some parts are frustrating such as the part where you have to pull down a star destroyer, I spent hours! HOURS!!! Trying to do that part. I really liked the costumes and different lightsaber colors, my two favorite costumes would probably be the sith robe, which you find in Raxus Prime in a holocron, and the ceromonial jedi robe which you get for beating the game. I didn't like the plot very much (those of you who were hoping for a game where you were evil through and through would understand). The attacks and combos are really cool and sometimes rather cruel and violent, such as the ability to crush your enemy against a steel bar, but I like that and the ability to level up gives you a light RPG experience. So if you want any more information on the game message me on gamespot or buy the game.