Main story is good but modes are better,worth playing.
The story remain nearly the same with 360 version although there are some missing level like grabbing a Star Destroyer with force and bring it down which the game display with a cut scene made with in-game engine. The cut scenes are bad very bad indeed they shouldn't made them with game engine.I haven't actually seen the PS2 and wii version but as seen on Gamespot reviews they also look bad.Considering the facts that they are milking money from all of the current generation of console they should have made cut scenes with CG,yes it will cost lots of money but look at Final Fantasy series they only appears on PS2 but their CG cut scenes are gorgeous. Many people play FF just to watch cut scenes.
So what make PSP version so good,good variety of modes.Modes like order 66 are a lot of fun and challenging not to mention Jedi Duels and Historic battles and there is also decent multiplayer modes too.360 version doesn't even have a duel.I liked Star War 3 game so much because I can duel with my brother and friends as Jedi.I was frustrated to found out that 360 version doesn't have a multiplayer.
There are lots of issue like camera and hitches while UMD whirl and Gamespot mention lots of them so I don't need to repeat.I wonder when Sony will allow players to install game on memory sticks like on 360 and PS3.
Conclusion whether you are a star war fun or not you will like that game.It will help you waste your boring afternoons.