Have you played the first level? Good, now put it down.
The only good thing about the game itself (besides the before mentioned,) is that you wield a lightsaber. For a little while, and I mean little this is fun. Then you just want to cut through the little crap and get to the more interesting boss Jedi battles that come almost as reward to the bull you had to put up with.
This game has actually made me mad, because I see potential in it for grandeur, grandeur that I have seen in Star Wars games before! Unfortunately this one doesn't come near it's potential, deciding to make weak enemy AI, boring set designs, and yes, occasionally buggy battles. If you die in this game, it's going to be a cheap death. "Hey! I didn't know you couldn't do that!" "What the heck, I totally sliced that guy earlier!" "Dang, I didn't see him there, stupid camera."
The only reason I played this through was because the cutscenes were great, but this was supposed to be a game, so why did everything have to lack so much?
My advice to the creators? What you have here is a game that's only fun because the boss Jedi's were great to fight. The Star Wars Canon is full of these people, perhaps it's time to take that part of this failed game and create a better fighter like you tried to do with Terra Kasi?