Other than having bad cmarea angles during boss fights and the graphic being worse than BattleFront 2, its good!

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed WII
First off, I don't think that gamespot rates games farily. I take them for a bunch of PS3 and Xbox 360 fanboys. This is really a good game. Im about to list the pros and cons here. Firts the pros.

Pros! The best parts of the game

1: Alittle bit of button mashing and alittle bit of motion at the same time. Take one of my favorite moves for example, detonate. You shock your enemy by pressing c and then push the nunchuck forward to force push them into a wall and make them explode into a lighting bomb. and then theres repulse, maelstorm, sith seeker, and a bunch of other moves that requie you to hold or press certain buttons and swing the nunchuck or the wii remote or both.

2: Awesome force moves. I mean, do you know any other game that lets you shock your opponet and then force them into a wall making them explode, and taking others with them? C'mon! Thats awesome. And then charging up your force into a swirling ball of energy around you then releasing it, killing everyone in the room (if there not a boss). this game has the ultimate force moves ever. Im still tryin g to get over being able to throw people into each other.

3: Boss fights. The first actual boss fight in the game, which is the oen where you're darth vader vs the rouge jedi, was very hard for me at first. I actually died the first time I played it. I thought the game was gonna suck if this kept on happening. And then I get control of Satrkiller and relized how much Darth Vader sucks. The first fight with Starkiller vs Rahm Kota, that was fun and challenging. And through out the whole game, you gvet into more boss fights of course. And as long as you figure out the pattern they use (sometimes they just show you) they are able to be beat. I have to say the Emporer was very fun. I got into lock like everytime he got up from me force pushing him. His pattern was easy to figure out. And he was challeging. And so far, i think the hardest boss I ever fought was the Emporer. And Im looking forward to doing it again.

Cons! Oh no! Where they went wrong.

1: Graphics. I know the gamecube had beter graphics than this, take a look at StarFox for example. But nope, Krome just couldn't pull it off I guess. So the whole time Im sitting here in my Jedi Cerimonial and they look swept back like theres a strong wind. Oh I forgot, theres no wind in Vaders Flagship. The lightsaber is worse. half the time it looks like Im holding a blue beam instead of a lightsaber with a hilt. "Oh no! where did my hand go?!" "I told you not to touch the beam. Just like I told you not to touch the stove". Does the lighting hurt your eyes too?

2: Boss fight camrea angles. I know I had nothing but praise for the boss fights in the pros section, but the camrea angles during the fights suck. thoughout the game, you go around looking over Satrkillers shoulder keeping a good distance back. Then wehn you get to the boss, it looks liek your trying to look up Starkiller's butt. Can anyoen else say force fart?