A great game, and definetely one for a Star Wars fan to pick up.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PSP
I kind of put off getting this game, but I'm glad I finally did. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is a great game, and one that every Star Wars fan should enjoy. You start the game off as the big, bad Darth Vader, cleaning out a planet in search of remaining Jedi Masters. There, Vader stumbles upon his future apprentice. From there, you take over as the apprentice, killing off Vader's enemies, and learning the apprentice's fate and well as that of the Rebels. I won't give away any spoilers, but your choice in the final battle wil decide the ending. In addition to a great storyline, there are unlockables you can pick up throughout the game, like holocrons to unlock concept art, different lightsaber hilts (the handle, for those of you not sword savvy), and even different color crystals to change the color of your lightsaber! You can also upgrade your force powers, like force lightning, force push, etc., and get power-up crystals for your lightsaber. And with the PSP, there are a few other extras as well. There's only one issue I had with this game: the graphics. They were'nt the best, and the characters' faces looked pretty emotionless throughout the game. But, it's only a PSP. Anyways, I think that this is a game worthy of anyone's time, and a good game to have.