Not quite perfect, but pretty darn close

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PSP
I've played both the 360 and PSP versions of this game, and while the 360 version obviously has some big advantages, the PSP version is surprisingly good. I've already played through the game twice now and have completed many of the extra modes as well, and I just keep going back for more.

The good: Graphics are pretty good, the sound is good, the story is awesome, and the gameplay is great. The force powers are just amazing, frying enemies with lightning, force pushing enemies out of the way, lifting enemies up and choking them, it's all in there. Some of the special moves are much more useful than others, but there are enough good ones that you don't end up just button mashing your way through.

The extra modes are cool, too, for when you've beaten the main game or just need a break from running through the story. Force duels, Order 66, and historical missions are all very nice additions.

The bad: Lots of load times, even in mid-level. It goes to the UMB frequently. Nothing that really gets in the way, but it does break immersion from time to time.

The camera acts a little goofy at times, too. You sometimes get lost in corners while you're fighting bosses. Also, the feature that's supposed to help in boss fights, camera lock on, sometimes gets in the way when you're trying to find health or looking for objects to throw.

It's all minor stuff, though, and doesn't really get in the way of an otherwise very fun game.

If you're a Star Wars fan, this is a no brainer. Even if you're just an action game fan, there's a lot here for you.