Pretty good Star Wars game.
Now dont get me wrong its not a bad game its just that it has too many glitches to get anything above a 8.0.The action in this game is great providing the face paced action and brutal force attacks.But you'll find out very quickly that this game is a glitcher it is fun but frustrating simply because when your doing cool moves the computer has a bug or glitch that basically screws up that move to where it almost looks like the move was fast forwarded,leaving your enemy dead and you wondering what sort of move you just did.The story is also pretty good its not the strongest ive ever seen but its still interesting enough to understand.The graphics are good as long as its not glitching or having weird bugs.Its a good game but i sure wouldnt have paid 59.99 for it if you did then you basically wasted your money its a grwat buy as long as its in the bargain bin which i only paid 14.95 for it brand new at game crazy.If you cant find it at a price that cheap then its probably best you just rent this game or wait till it goes on sale in your location.But if your a fan of Star Wars then this would be a great game to have it lets you use the force like never before in cool brutal ways.Which makes this a pretty good Star Wars game.