My force is strong your force is wrong.
The graphics are great for an MMO not to advanced, but can be scaled up nicely depending upon your rig. The only issue I have with the graphics is for whatever reason the game does not perform well with shadows active. Personally I can run the game with shadows on high, but it destroys my FPS reducing it by nearly 60% so I have shadows turned off as does everyone else I know that plays the game.
The sound is great, for any game not just the MMO genre. First off the game is fully voiced like I mentioned earlier so every quest you pick up with the exceptions of ones you get from a terminal. Personally this makes me more interested in the mission I am doing and I actually know whats going on, as with traditional MMO games I never really bothered to read the quests. The games musical score is what you would expect in anything Star Wars and it fits in perfectly.
The gameplay is your standard MMO type UI with one minor difference, there is no auto attack. Personally I have no feelings in the matter as auto attack was a feature I never really cared for as it was just a low boost for either your dps or to build rage. I like the fact that I have to work for all my damage/threat that I create. One thing that makes me ok with the lack of an auto attack is a few of my friends who still play wow will be able to drop a few spells on their paladan tank and then walk away from the keyboard because of the way the threat system worked in wow.
The UI is again your standard MMO UI, but it cannot be customized which I guess you can do with most other MMO games. I personally have never customized a UI so it it a missing feature that I do not miss. Another complant I have heard is that the game does not have macros and again it is a feature that in my opinion makes the game boring and I am glad it is not there.
The crafting system in this game is great like most mmo games you get three crafting abilities for your character which are called crew skills. These crew skills are guess what all done by your crew which makes crafting a lot less demanding than in other games. From harvesting resources to crafting a set of armor your crew can do it all. With exception to one thing reverse engineering, that must be done by the player, but it is worth doing. The two main reasons are you get returned about 50% of the resources that went into the item and its also the way you descover more items that you can craft.
The space flight in the game is essentially a rail/tunnel shooter that is nothing more than a mini-game that is not quite dull, but not quite what I expected either. I was expecting a space experience more similar to a Xwing/Tie fighter type game than a rail shooter. That being said it does seem to keep with the Star Wars tradition of exciting space battles where you feel extremely out numbered. I would say this is the weakest point of the game, but how much should really go into the space combat could be put up for debate.
All-in-all I find this game very fun to play and I have made it past level 25 for me which is about the same as getting to nearly 40 in WOW now. Normally I would get bored with a MMO by now and every day I find my self looking forward to the couple of hours I can spend in the TOR universe.