Just to start things off I am a big Star Wars fan to begin with so please know that I am putting my love for the Star Wars aside and looking at this as a gamer always looking for a great game to play. So lets start with the big key for a game looking for the step above the rest is that if this is fun to play or leaving you frustrated and not knowing what really is going on, well Star Wars The Old Republic is alot of FUN and that comes from two sides, in one hand you start out with what we come to expect from an mmo with creating your hero/villein and your on your way to make a name for your self. And the second is there is alot of action and that helps not there is no auto attack and short cool down times always keeps you the player on your toes. Now the story is set about 3000 years before the rise of Darth Vader and 300 years after Knights of the old republic throwing you in the middle of the mix so don't expect to run into any one form the past or future and how much fun would it be to tell the people of Alderaan to beef up that bomb shelter ..... just an idea. The Old Republic is the same playing style as we have seen and played before making it not a bad thing, veterans of mmo's will feel at home and new comers will not be over whelmed starting out. So if you ask me as SWTOR is a good game to take a look at or even play with the 30 day trial that comes with the game.
Cheers !
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Pretty unimpressive. If you are looking into getting this game, even if it's free, you would be much better off saving your money. It is nothing like KOTOR and really is no different from any other MMO. You start the gam... Read Full Review
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