Its like pulling teeth.
This game has very little entertainment value in it. If your not following the blue line to your next objective your floating endlessly in space traveling to your next mission which takes FOR EVER.
Some times you may encounter a couple of pirates, the next second the game launches you in to a horde of enemies with no shield and 10% damage left because it got all worn down while you had to fend off the previous horde of enemies just 3 seconds ago.
Its just so incredible unbalanced and frustrating.
You got unlimited space in your ships inventory so you can just forget about trading and use that as an excuse for visiting all the pointless star systems.
Once you have fought a million enemies your cargo hold is so full your set money wise for the rest of the game.
Good concept this game, to bad the people that made use of it didn't even try to make this as good as it could have been and just ruined it completely.
Don't buy, not even from the bargain bin.