After all, this is a Blizzard game; what else have you expected?!
Was it really worth waiting impatiently all this long ?...Was it really necessary that Blizzard pushed forward the release date from 2009 to 2010 ?...Does this sequel have enough new things to offer since it came after 12 years ?...Was it wise to turn this game into a trilogy ?...Has the game really changed compare to the original Starcraft ?...Which side has Blizzard really focused on? it's beloved korean pro gamers or common people who loved the game's story , universe and characters and played it just for fun not as a "job" or both of them ?
First the gameplay : the major change that you'll notice right away is that it's no longer linear. it's almost like an open-world game; you can choose where to go,when to go, and which missions you want to do. the level design is really fresh and exciting and every single mission feels unique and has something new to offer you.
The one thing that i really loved about the original Starcraft was it's complex and almost mysterious story; this one is no different. the thing which makes the story so different from any other game is a feeling of mystery and the complexity ; so you can't guess what's gonna happen and where the story is taking you, whose gonna live and whose gonna die, plus the way it is told really sucks you in like no other games can. the characters are extremely live and their characteristics and voice acting make them realistic and memorable.
The graphic is great(and thankfully a little bit darker than Warcraft) and the animations are extremely realistic and beautiful ; though it's clearly not the best RTS graphic out there.If you know blizzard then you know that their art design is magical.every single unit has it's own feel and characteristics which make each one of them unique.
The Cinematics are... well you can probably guess how they are. Blizzard has shown that if it's not the best game developer, it IS the master of making cinematics.
The musics and soundtracks are as always : epic , enjoyable and unforgettable.
I've heard some people complain about the multiplayer and say it's exactly like the previous one.... They are completely right. but I think the question they should be asking is this : " Did the multiplayer need to change ?!" the answer is NO it didn't. Starcraft has the best and has the highest level multiplayer among any other RTS games.So many RTS games these days are trying to reach it but they just can't... that's the magic of Blizzard!
So.... lets get back to the questions : Is it so different from the original? NO.... Was it worth all the waiting? YES(Because it's Starcraft !) .... Are the improvements that much that it worth 12 years? NO(they could've done it much faster if all the focus wasn't on WOW)... Was it wise for this to be a trilogy? YES (they have much more room and freedom for more details and epic things )...Which side do you think blizzard cared for more? well i think the pro gamers;cause they didn't change a lot of things because of them and they could've keep things but didn't because of them. Blizzard may have cared a bit more for them but they did lot of things for the public as well.they've made this game much easier for everyone to learn and so many can now reach the level of the pro gamers. but Generally this is a question that everyone has a different answer for.
Overall, although it doesn't have as much as improvements and new things as expected for a game that comes after 12 years since the original one, it's still a blizzard game and still StarCraft.
StarCraft 2 is clearly not only the best game of 2010 but also the Best strategy game of all time.I've tried almost every well-known RTS but left all of them after playing about an hour(Except Warcraft 3). Believe me, this one is Different.
I know you've heard this about dozens of times by now but what can I say :
"Hell, it's about time" !!!