It's not perfect, and it's more than a bit outdated, but it's the best outdated game EVER.

User Rating: 9.5 | Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty PC
Let me preface this review by saying that I barely played the original starcraft, and as of now I have not finished the Starcraft 2 campaign, but I am already sucked into this story and this game actually drove me to go buy the original. I've never, EVER had that happen before. I had also played Warcraft III, though not the campaign as much as the multiplayer, and in particular, DOTA. The strictness of the gameplay design is a bit disconcerting, but as is, this is still the best old-school RTS I have played.

I would also like to point out that I still haven't ventured online, though I will soon, and when I do, I will add it to the review, and possibly change the score. It all depends on how things go. Same for the campaign. This is my thoughts as of being about 1/4 of the way

The art design really steals the show here. The graphics are great, and despite my computer being a little weak they still look great, but really, it's the awesome looking characters that elevate this game above and beyond most other games in the genre. You can tell that this game was in the hopper for a long, LONG time.

Audio and Sound:
The sound design is spectacular, but the real high point of this game is the music. I honestly think that the very best thing this game has to offer is Terran 1, the first song in the Terran Campaign, and with how much I love the rest of the game, that is EXTREMELY high praise. And even with that, the rest of the soundtrack is still spectacular. The gun sounds are also excellent, and the voice acting is relatively good. Another strong point here.

Honestly, the gameplay is both the strongest and weakest point. The AI is brilliant, though on lower difficulties it really does feel like it is going easy on you. The highest point here is that the number of different ways you can go about any given objective is unbelievable because of the varied units that appear in the campaign. It's a throwback to be sure, but there is one legitimate complaint that I have: the heroes are far too underutilized. I did hate them in Warcraft III multi-player, but in single-player they made the game much more fun, and it feels restricting to see so little of them. Granted, I am not that far into the campaign, but I don't see it changing much at this point. I also have one other legitimate complaint: The hotkeys are still a pain in the ass, namely the lack of a ctrl-a to select all units on the screen, especially when you have scv's mixed in with your forces. Most modern RTS games allow you to hit ctrl-a and it will screen out builders, but not here, and it's pretty aggravating, but a small issue overall.

At this point, I can safely say that this is a perfect homage and update to the original starcraft, but as such, it is also drastically outdated. Still, even if you can't teach an old dog new tricks, you can sure as hell enjoy his old ones.