Beautiful game

User Rating: 9 | Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty PC
Starcraft was the first computer game that sucked me in.
The sequel is just as worthy as its predecessor.
Please keep in mind that my review is very mutliplayer-centric.
The gameplay is both fresh and familiar there are so many
effective strategies that are just now being explored with the new
units. It's fun to sneak a bunch of infestors when a player isn't
aware and have them vomit up infested marines in their base.
It's both hilarious and effective (in some cases). In other instances
I get trampled by a s#@t ton of marines (not original but effective).
I've never felt so rewarded for experimenting in a game that I'm thinking
of new approaches when I'm bored (banelings for those blasted marines).
I like the new Bnet, I don't have to sit in a lobby and constantly open
and close a slot, in a frantic attempt to refresh my game in the list.
I can just quick match and peruse the numerous statistics,
rewards, and achievements either myself or other players
have or have not earned. I'm never feel like I'm waiting too
long props to blizzard on that. The replays are also informative
because you can list the logistics (ie. income, armies on the field,
actions per minute) to find out why you sucked or ruled that game.
They have an instant message system to keep in contact with friends.
I don't give a s#$t for the lost chat channels, for they are cesspools of preteens whining or annoying people. It's fun, it's polished, and
it maximizes my online experience (period).
Singleplayer gameplay is solid. They throw in some nice elements
like a reckless marine you have to protect (babysit) as he goes on a murderous rampage, or a wall of fire stalking you and literally pushing you towards your objective. Lots of nice touches with unit research, research perks
that can help you in the game later on.
The plot is good, but not great. I smacked my head a few times, but the
characters are interesting enough and they do influence what choices you make in game. I did enjoy the action in the cutscenes, but they lost a bit of originality like the marines boarding the deserted science vessel with their cold fusion and beer (youtube it, if you haven't seen it). SC2's dialogue can be a bit
contrived, but in a hilarious way.
In conclusion, this is a worthy successor to the first. It's a beautiful game
even if you have a passing interest in strategy. Now all they need to
do is bring my Lurkers back.....................