Starcraft II Wings of Liberty is an absolute blast! Best RTS of 2010!

User Rating: 9.5 | Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty PC
Starcraft II is simply an amazing game. The single-player is very easy and its not very long if ya ask me. The multi-player is the game performs well.

Here is my review:

Pros: Gameplay in starcraft II is well constucted like previous starcraft games. The units graphics and building are upgraded but i think blizzard could have done a little better job with them. The game has such depth while in game because there are so many different tactics to use while in game. Battles seem to get by much faster. The 3vs3 and 4vs4 matches are fun when playing some custom match maps with a lot of money because of big armies.


There are a few things keeping this game from perfect. One thing is that it has to LAN. Next is the photo cannon rush online is probably the most annoying thing in the game. One other unit is the void rays!! I hate them things LOL! Same with zerglings! LOL

This game is a must buy for any starcraft fan or command and conquer fan because im a command and conquer fan as well and this game freakin rocks! JOIN ME IN THE FIGHT AGAINST PROTOSS LOL!!!