Best RTS Ever.
First of all, the campaign is really good, not good to the awesomeness of Mass Effect, but you are given very unique units and choices with Protoss/Zerg research and the armory, upgrading your army in very cool ways, such as a tech lab that is a reactor, or a mind control tower. Although fairly short, it is presented gorgeously, with top of the line graphics and spot-on voice acting. The ability to choose your missions versus the original allows you to unlock different tech for use in other missions. The missions themselves can be short and sweet or very intense, long sieges. My only gripe about the campaign is waiting for the Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void to do the Zerg and Protoss campaigns.
The multiplayer is very balanced, pitting you against people at your skill level. One on One is fast and intense, and team matches can become ridiculous. With solid single player and fantastic multiplayer, this game is a must-buy for Starcraft fans, and your general RTS fans. But the wait for the rest of the Starcraft 2 trilogy could kill a man.