The definitive RTS finally arrived and what a game it is.
But why is this? it is something I have often pondered and I think it truly does come down to that word "immersion" as I found myself loving every part of this game right down to the soundtrack, it is just all of a standard that is rarely seen these days and the years of waiting have been truly worth it.
The single player campaign rightfully focuses on the Terran campaign, a bold strategy as most was expecting all races, but when you see the detail put in to just the one race it truly is baffling and great to behold, the story is pure sci-fi and does not break boundaries but it is also heartfelt and epic at the same time, and no point did the storytelling become boring or overlong like others (metal gear saga, which i still love) and on a good day will take roughly 15 hours to complete the single player alone, ending with a truly fantastic third act that pulls no punches and is just a thrill to watch unfold.
he multiplayer is pure balance, all races are an even match and it is great to know that you will be able to find a good match with the amount of people playing the game at any given time, Blizzard are always patching the game, making finer tweaks in order to imrpove the balance and overall playing experience to a point that I can see this game lasting as long as the original starcraft did.
All in all this is game of the year material, and should rightly be owned by any person who calls themselfs an RTS fan, as Blizzard has proved that yet again they may just be the best developer out there, if not the one who delivers the most polished of games upon release.