It was great.... 10 years ago.

User Rating: 6.5 | Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty PC
If you live by the, "no news is good news" this is the game for you. Otherwise, just leave it alone. The campaign is good. I like the story and the charactors. The game it self is ok, and nothing more. The thing most of us was looking forward to was the multiplayer part. Imo the maps are way to small. It's way to easy to find other players. There is no startegy aspect whatsoever in the game, it's all about actions per second, also known as APS. The stategy aspect is almost non existing. Just build FAST, and send your units of. Sure if you play tarren and you play against protos there might be an element of strategy, but if you guess wrong on which tactic your oponent will use, and you bet on the wrong thing you are out of luck. A strategy game is not suppose to be like that, depending more on luck than on skills. I do not understand hype about this game, it's not what I hoped for. It's just way to simple. 10 years ago it was great, but there are so many other games out there which are better and not so luck depended and APS hyped.
Im giving it 6,5. The single player part pulls it up, but thats just not enough. Most of us bought the game for the multiplayer part, and that just plain sucks. Dificulty is also based on the singleplayer part, since opponents in multiplayer diverse alot.