Blizzard stinks up the place again. Did not want to be tied to an internet connection to play SC II. No Skirn Menu.
Not any more say the wizards of Blizz with a sneaky smile. You'll love our ladders to nowhere Then there is the ability to chat and play against other players. What happened to the ability to exit a Skirmish with the AI? When you exit the game it says that the AI won as there is no exit for skirmish games except Surrender and minimizing the game and closing it. Either way the computer AI wins and I have a screenshot to prove it.
I am not interested in any of those things. All I wanted to do is enjoy the sequel to the highly rated (and deserving) original whether here at home or at my sisters 90 miles away when I visit. They don't play computer games and have no interest in them as they have better things to do.
I play against the games AI much like I did with Starcraft, DIABLO II/LOD and many other games. I paid $50.00 for a game that I can't even play on a laptop that has no means of connecting to the internet because that is the way I would use it. I paid $30.00+ for the strategy guide because Blizzard was to cheap to supply a tech tree guide. I forgot it is available on the internet. I feel if the game can't stand on it's own as a SP game free of the net then it is simply not worth over $80.00.
I expect DIABLO III will be the same an will not be one of my favorite games of all time if I even bother to play it at all. They screwed it up by adding if I am correct a grenade wielding character or something like that. What happened to my Paladin? The Barbarian was simply to easy to play but the Paladin was much harder and a hell of alot more fun. I can't even count the number of times I died on Arreat Summit but I beat the game.
I was going to rate SC II 70% but I have decided that it does not deserve anything higher than a 40% rating as I do not consider this even remotely as enjoyable as the Original Starcraft. I can see Blizzard screwing up DIABLO III already. A grenade throwing character with no Paladin ... bring back my Paladin. Updated 07/21/2011.