Fast-paced multiplayer action you can never get bored of!
Gameplay: 9-One of the most compelling aspects of StarCraft's gameplay is the factions. In games such as Command and Conquer, the factions are pretty much the same, there are different units but they are all functionally the same. Sure, each faction has its unique units, but in StarCraft, this was totally different. No two factions share a single unit, whether in functionality, personality, or anything else. Every unit is unique. The Low-class infantry, for example, are all very different. There are the terran marines, armed with weak armor and automatic rifles, the protoss zealots, armed with heavy armor and powerful psi blades, and the zerg zerglings, weak but very cheap, making swarming the enemy with many many units your only way to win as Zerg. Each faction also plays very differently, so each player may have a favorite faction depending on their play style, while others enjoy toying with all the factions and playing them all. The best part about all the factions is that they are all perfectly balanced, or the closest to perfect anyone has ever seen, and every unit, even the low class infantry, has a role through to the end of the game. The reason I'm not giving it a perfect 10 is because command of your units isn't as easy as other games of its era, such as Total Annihilation, for reasons such as the infamous Blizzard unit selection limit. But, as the old dog saying goes, every visit to the vet has a car ride included, there is some good in this, and that is that the gameplay is made even more intense, and i think this hard to control-ness kind of makes me even more addicted, and it makes competitive starcraft very very skill-oriented. Also, the singleplayer campaign has earned an honorable mention, as it was the best out there back in its day, and is still very fun right now. Most of the missions follow the standard build your base and destroy the enemys with other random objectives scattered in, but seems way more fun than other campaigns for a reason i do not know. Also, there are other types of missions, where i guess blizzard wanted to mix it up, and it keeps you interested in the campaign from start to finish.
I am giving graphics and sound the same score gamespot gave them as i could not properly rate them because the game is so old.
Value-10- This game is a game you will spend a lot of your time playing intense multiplayer in, and thus deserves a 10. This game has had people playing it for hours and hours a day every day since its release, without even the almight World of Warcraft able to tear them away. But some do not like the multiplayer, and before you buy the game, play some multiplayer matches in the demo, and if you dont like it, buy the battle chest for like $20 for the singleplayer campaign. Because this game is so cheap it is well worth it to buy the game.
I have not been playing long, but do not get fooled by that, because no other game has had my heart beating as fast as it does at the end, not even counterstrike, and that games pretty intense, so i know i will be playing this game until the release of starcraft 2, and possibly very far after that(considering the fact that sc2 could possibly suck).