this is a joke right?
User Rating: 2 | Insurrection: Campaigns for StarCraft PC
This joke of an "expansion addon" is the reason the developer, Aztech New Media (once an incredibly mediocre bargain developer) is no longer in existence. Even for 1998, Insurrection has incredibly poor production values. The story starts out with *some* mind you semblance of a plot but regresses into an utterly RETARDED (I hate to use the word), fundamentally pointless ending. The voice acting simply made the game even more dull and lifeless than the plot or mission briefings ever hoped to exceed in doing. Most of the single player missions were hopelessly rigged leading me to conclude hat the only replay value from said game would be from having to restart a round due to ridiculously rigged gameplay (even for Starcraft standards.)
This is simply garbage. I just have no other way to express my sentiments on this game than that statement for whatever it's worth. I simply WISH there was a better way to express my disgust at such a concept being conceived of. It's not as if you'll find this piece of crap anymore, not even in a random flea sale. As usual, the multi-player maps are mostly ill-conceived and very imbalanced. This is a no go even if you manage to find an illegal copy. This is literally a brief taint to an otherwise outstanding game series which begs the question of why Blizzard even allowed a third-party project such as this to be published.
Now I'm gonna go wash myself of this miserable fail.