"An expansion to Starcraft? With MORE campagin and MORE units? Bring it!" Starcraft: Brood War brought it.
Starcraft: Brood War definitely didn't disappoint! Returning to the story of an intergalactic war between three races, you're instantly thrust in where the original hit RTS left off. 3 more incredibly immersive campaigns set the stage for one of my favorite games. You're never bored for a moment, and can truly appreciate the new characters introduced as well as the new units. The only hiccup with the Starcraft and Starcraft: Brood War, which i forgot to include in my SC review, was the unit's pathing. Often times, units would run around confused when they got with in 2 feet of another unit or building and at other times would slip through cracks that appeared air tight. That frustration aside, Starcraft: Brood War was definitely a VERY fitting expansion to one of the best RTS games of all time.