Pathetic little Unreal total conversion mod for simple deathmatches at full game price.
Suddenly I log in to see what's going on over there and I discover that not only has the game been unofficially dropped due to lack of funding, they've replaced it with a simple "single-player" game (so I was told by forums et al), Stargate Resistance, that was about to be released in 24 hours. Nobody mentioned this? Well I wanted to do my part to support the Stargate franchise so I went ahead and preordered it.
When it finally arrived on Direct2Drive, I fired it up, with low expectations, of a story-inspired single-player game. "What's it like to step through the stargate into the unknown? I'm excited!!" I fired it up and it immediately made me log in. Log in? Uhh.. okay. So I had to register on Firesky's site before I could log into the game that I installed .. fine. Done, and, .. done. I log in. I'm on the edge of my seat, expecting cinematics or at least a nice story I can read to brief me on the campaign.
What I find instead is a simple "map", except it's not really a map, more like a couple big clickable dots scattered randomly on a blank whitespace where I can select which side I'm on, Earth or Goa`uld. I pick Earth. I suddenly spawn, and I'm .. I'm .. gosh, I appear to be in a multiplayer deathmatch-style game, with sounds uncannily like Team Fortress Classic and graphics akin to Unreal Tournament (the original). I'm at the military base in the in-game Cheyenne Mountain, and I watch as my teammates run frantically down a couple corridors where boom-boom-boom they're shot, killed, and respawn right behind me. Next, it's my turn.
I hit Esc looking for a menu to exit the game. This? This is the game I get after waiting excitedly for three years? A cheesy, storyless deathmatch mod for Unreal? Is it a joke, I ponder .. but no, I paid for this. Paid. I paid for it. *facepalm*