User Rating: 8.1 | StarLancer PC
Despite the inadequate availability of situational information, StarLancer is a solid game. I would rate StarLancer a 9/10 if this lack of situational information didn't make completing mission objectives so frustrating. Often you are told to provide cover for a damaged wing or life pods, yet you can't ever find where they are. Basically you have to keep advancing through friendly targets and hope you find those particular ships. I don't know about anyone else, but in a game where time is of the essence, I could certainly use the extra 15 seconds I use trying to find those ships, to make my way toward them and engage the attacking enemies. As for a positive trait for StarLancer: Atmosphere is extremely important in space games, as interacting in space is something that our modern day society has barely begun to do, and therefore this sort of game must be sufficently atsmospheric as to make the events in the game draw you into the game world. Starlancer does that exceptionally well with its detailed graphics, excellent sound effects, and solid music score. It feels very WW2ish in space. It provides a very interesting meld of feelings. It serves create that feeling of a very bloody and archaic time period for humanity. The vessels in the game are not sleak, and extremely advanced pieces of technology. They seem to be the first major efforts in the space field, rather than advanced designs, making them an analogy to planes like the P-51 Mustang, a fighter in WW2, when compared to the sleak and highly advanced planes like our modern day's F-117 stealth fighter. To close I would just like to say that if you wish to find an atmospheric space simulator, one that has a good story, and if you believe you can tolerate some frustration, then StarLancer is a good game to try.