I hoped for more, but what I got wasn't bad.
The gamespot review says its alot of running down halls killing stuff. I submit most games are. Its the games that make that fun that are you remember. Starship troopers was plenty fun for the 15 dollers or so I bought it for. I got to kill lots of alien bugs with tons of different weapons. I wasn't really expected much more than that.
The one spot I found it lacking was a spot lots of "RPG army" games lack in my opinion. That is there are no "expendable" troops. I understand why its done. Its from some misguided idea that if they make looseing a soldier harm combat effectivness they make him important to the player on a more personal level. That would be true if they didn't do it to every single soldier. Make no mistake Starship Troopers (ST from here on) is by far one of the more forgiving of this type of game. Lose a mechwarrior on Mechcommander and a replay of the mission is in order. In ST you have quite a few soldiers but everone can become strong. This means if you lose that built up solider he can at least be replaced. This also means unless you are killing off your soldiers left and right then they will become powerfull and thus you lose any "cannon fodder." Not to mention losing the gear.
In a game like ST this is almost a style breach. When I got the game I was hopeing to have armys so hopelessly outnumber my force that I would take large but acceptable losses in every battle.
What you really have in this game is a rather large Special Forces group. You never face much in the way of being horribly (10 to 1) outnumbered save one or two occasions, You are encouraged to limit ANY losses, and your gear is rather sparse enough that you may need to ration it if you get liberal with its use (read: overkill)
Its 'flaws' mostly steem from the fact I was wanting 'starship troopers: mobile infantry command' and not 'starship troopers: Behind enemy lines with Spec Ops' note: not actual game titles.
I however did enjoy the game. The small feature that is ammo added alot to the game. After all when the bugs are closing in and you guns run dry. It tends to be an 'oh crap!' moment.
The missions were relatively well thought out and there was plenty of stuff to shoot. No where near as much as I would have liked, but then again I would have need more troopers and/or bigger guns for that.
If you are still reading and didn't just jump to the end then. wow.
Summery: solid game. nothing to write home about. It most certainly could have been though.