More than one type of bugs in this game
Well I played it on my much newer PC with all the settings to max and the game plays quite a bit smoother. But there are still bugs. The sound is choppy as hell. There is constantly bugs screeching, chattering, bombs exploding, and ships flying by your entire mission and causes this horrible crackling effect or the sounds overlap eachother. The game itself is pretty fun for the most part although it can get tedious. You control your squad of soldiers completing the assigned mission objectives. Pretty much going around killing bugs or trying to capture one or save other soldiers. Your soldiers have limited ammo so you cant just go around killing anything in sight unless you have found a supply crate. If your soldiers survive they gain experience points with each drop or mission. With that they can eventually wear mech suits and carry different weapons. All the units look the same unless it is a female because they are shorter and smaller soldiers but pretty much generic design unless you are in a mech suit.
The game does give you the feel of the movie in alot of ways. But unfortunately I still cannot play this game on my new PC because of a bug I encountered in the 5th mission. My soldiers go through this tunnel and as the camera follows them through it, the view gets stuck in the rockface, I can rotate the camera but it no longer follows my soldiers. This has happened several times and there is no recovery. I listen as they are all slaughtered one by one from the unseen onslaught. This game could have been great if the developers spent more time on it. With all the bugs and tedious missions it's not worth me playing at this point but it can still be enjoyable if you can get it to work and you are a fan of the movie.