Who came up with this piece of s**t? Comparing ST to HL2, COD2, Battlefield2...
Graphics: 9/10
Okay, so the graphics aren't horrid. In fact, they're pretty good; although you'd need a VERY good card and cpu to run it. I have a Radeon 9600 XT 256 myself with a 3.0 P4 and it can't even run the darn game at medium res. Either the coding for the game is crap, or the graphics really ARE that good. The details are there, and the guns look cool and smooth, so no complaints in this department.
Gameplay: 3/10
The story is rigid, the AI is horrid, and the objectives are impossibly hard. A failing grade is achieved by the story having only ONE, and I emphasize, ONE way to complete a mission. There are simply no other ways of winning a mission, since some of the "bugs" (aka: enemies) cannot be harmed when they're not attacking you. This equals no sniping or planning out your attack in advance. This really decreases the strategy in this game to the point where it becomes a first person shoot-em-up. Nowadays, FPS are always a combination of skill, strategy, and realism. Starship Troopers fails in all the categories. There is no realism, since you can get chomped on, stomped on, and scratched on for a full minute before you actually die. Weirdly, in the movie, the troopers died with 2 hits?!?! The AI is horrid in the way that they can't kill anything!!! There's absolutely no point in them! Well, enough said for this abysmal game...
Sound: 4/10
Truly unrealistic sounds stem from no distance from source effect. This equals the same as your commander speaking to you from a kilometer away being as loud as from a meter away. Even if it's on a mic, then how do you explain the fact that the sound suddenly fades away after you leave a certain location, such as the outpost? Also, you can't hear the flying bugs come at you, which makes them really annoying when you can't figure out what's hitting you as you walk across the canyon floor.