What a Game! You are all crazy to give this game a bad rating O.o?

User Rating: 9.4 | Starship Troopers PC
Don't know what you all are moaning about, all of your problems are the fact that your not true FPS. Going round blowing the crap out of bugs is very addictive. What did you expect the film had one main bug (the warrior) as they call it and you want more that would just move from the story and not be starship troopers. This game is for people who are fans of starship troopers. I agree on the servers but for singleplayer this game rocks. The game is hard and the only reason why you want to smash up your own comp is cause you have no self control and just suck at the game. The guns are a bit repetetive but lets face it most FPS the guns are similair anyway or you just use one gun most the time anyway. Also who the hell cares about graphics, i would rather play Doom (legenadary game) than the awesome graphical crap gameplay bollocks that you lot play!